Welcome to the At Home part of the Middle School Ministry! The purpose of this page is to keep you connected to what we're doing and learning together, so you can jump in, continue the conversation and leverage it for continued spiritual growth at home. We believe you are the most important spiritual influence in your kids' lives!

Below you'll find a Follow Up for each part of our ministry as it happens. Follow Ups will be posted on the day of each gathering!

1 Corinthians Intro

This week we began our study of 1st Corinthians with an intor video and discussion. We learned that Corinth was located on an Isthmus and was an important commercial city. It was also a very immoral place, full of pagan gods and practices. Paul's letter is a response to divisions in the Church, and specific questions they asked in a recent letter. Through it all, we see that the Gospel is sturdy enough to stand up to any issue we face in this fallen world.
Questions to ask:

What is the Gospel?
What does it mean that the Gospel is "sturdy"

Check out the video we watched this morning:

God Is Already Working!

It's pretty easy to make life about ourselves, from the way we act or talk, to the things that motivate us. This weekend we focused on the truth that in every situation we walk into, God is already working. That should change our mindset from thinking about ourselves, to asking how we can join in the work that God is doing!

Read Matthew 9:35-38 together and talk about what Jesus is saying there.

Questions to ask:

What does it mean to show up with expectations that God is already working?
What are things that keep you from saying "yes" to joining what He's doing?
What is one way you're going to apply what you learned this weekend?

Various Questions

Each group's conversations looked a little different from each other this week as we were discussing and answering questions from last week!

Questions to ask:

What questions did your group talk about this week?
Where did you go in God's word for answers?

Romans 12:1-2

After sharing some delicious desserts together we split into smaller groups and worked on memorizing Romans 12:1-2!

Continue to work with your child on those verses throughout the week!


At Awaken, we had the teaching room set up like a courtroom, some students sat as the jury, some as the prosecution or defense, and then some as the audience.
We talked about how finding our self-worth from the world means living every day like we're on trial, constantly being judged and trying to win the approval of others.
But finding our self-worth in Jesus means living on the other side of the verdict. That because of Jesus' sacrifice for us, we're not living to please others, or even ourselves, but in the freedom of who God says we are.

Ask your child:
Do you ever get caught up in living to impress others?
How does life with Jesus look different than that?

LUKE 12:22-31 | ISAIAH 45:9-11

Tonight we prayed through two sets of scripture, Luke 12:22-31 and Isaiah 45:9-11. Students spent time alone reading and praying through them. 
In Luke 12:22-31, Jesus tells us not to worry, but to build the habit of trusting and relying on God for everything. Ask your student about their Alka-Seltzer experiment. Read Matthew 11:28-30 together and talk about what happens when we take our burdens to Jesus.

Isaiah 45:9-11 is all about the potter and the clay! Your student brought home some play dough we used as a reminder to let God be the one who shapes them!
Check below for upcoming gatherings!